
Imagine world without girls-

Imagine world without girls
roads sunsan markets viran
na janu na jan
na koi girl friend k liye preshan
bas namaz & quran
sarey larke direct jannat ul maqam

What a married man-

What a married man says after years of marriage:- My marriage is made of Trust & Understanding, she doesn’t Trust me & I dont Understand her.


So beware of glance-

The Equation of Marriage:

7 Glance = 1 Smile

7 Smile = 1 Meeting

7 Meeting = 1 Kiss

7 Kisses = 1 Proposal

7 Proposal = 1 Marriage –

And that 1 marriage has 77777+ problems.

So beware of glance!

First marriage is the triumph-

First marriage is the triumph of
imagination over intelligence.

Second marriage is the
triumph of hope over experience


stupidity & tragedy of LIFE-

Why do we all marry?
Because romance is not
the only element of life.
We should also know horror,
terror, suspense, irony,
stupidity & tragedy of LIFE.

Marriage is like-

Marriage is like going to
a restaurant your choice
from the menu,
then look at neighbourin
table n wish you”d ordered that…..

Some people ask?-

Some people ask the secret
of our long marriage.
We take time to go to a restaurant
two times a week.
A little candlelight, dinner, soft music
and dancing.
She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays.

once you marry-

Grooms, once you marry,
please remember that when
you have a discussion
with your future wife,
always try to get the
last two words in: “Yes dear”

A little kid asks his Dad-

A little kid asks his Dad,
“Daddy, how much does
it cost to get married?”

“No idea,” replied the Father,
“I’m still paying for it…”


Alpenlibe-Ji lalchaye raha-

What is Marriage?
1 year:-Alpenlibe-Ji lalchaye raha Na Jaye.
2 year:- KINETIC-Sab ki hawa Nikal de.

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